

Jacked About A Loss!!!

So, who is with me, that it is funny as hell that Quincy Douby who was on verge of being traded has lead Raptors in scoring first 2 games of summer league. Memphis can be a lot of motivation and the fact you don't go there...Priceless. I remember hearing Colangelo on Toronto radio, talking glowingly about the progress Douby was making in Vegas(He works out there not now). However I took it as just talk. But maybe as Bryan said in an interview during the game, telling the truth in the best thing to do, because people think your not. He was saying that in reference to having expressed his interest in Demar DeRozan early on. Today was another step for DeRozan and he scored 20 in a 4 point loss to the Pistons. But it is clear although there is work to be done DeRozan is all that was advertised. Having a guy like Brent Petway and some others that can challenge him in practice should only help matters. Forgot to mention Douby had 21 to lead the Raps.

But what might be the biggest news of all did not happen on the basketball court. During the broadcast, it was mentioned that Jarrett Jack former Georgia Tech team-mate of Chris Bosh, may be coming to the Raptors. Now unconfirmed reports that Jack has in fact signed an offer sheet. Tricky move by B.C to feel a need and add on more piece to the puzzle to convince Chris Bosh to stay. Jack and Bosh had a close relationship in college and I suspect still are friends you would have to believe. It is just another move that might make Chris bosh pause for a second and look towards Toronto. But to suggest that Jack would be coming here just as bait to keep Bosh is not fair to him. He in his own right in a pretty solid option at the point guard and can play some 2 as he did with T.J Ford. So Jackron is coming to the Raptors? Or is it CalderJack. Whatever it is could be very good. Roko Ukic at least in my eyes has not made the amount of progress you would want to see.

Story on Jack Rumour

More From Doug Smith In Toronto Star

Raptors did fall to the Pistons by the way 91-87.

Boxscore Pistons/Raps

So despite an 0-2 Record there is still LOTS TO BE JACKED UP ABOUT. Be it Demar DeRozan, Jarrett Jack and yes my guy Brent Petway who but in another solid day of work. No jaw jacking jams but doing all the little things kind like an A.P would do. Bryan Colangelo is quickly climbing back to the lofty status of sainthood in Raptor land. Pacers could match this over but it is another brilliant and bold stroke. If anyone is unclear. Let me spell it out for you. Bryan Colangelo is doing everything on God's green earth to keep Chris Bosh. That is the plan and it seems pretty damn obvious. However if for some reason he should fail he still is adding a lot of quality parts that would make Toronto and attractive option. There is that old expression it is always darkest before the dawn. Well I may just believe that Dawn is fast approaching after what just weeks ago seemed like a very bleak and hopeless outlook for the Toronto Raptors.


Got to show some love for the Home Team being the lovely and talented Holly MacKenzie from The Score who in on scene in Vegas. I am sure you will agree her game recap is ACES!!!

Holly MacKenzine In Court Surfing Blog


  1. always a pleasure to read..keep it UP!!!

  2. Thank you Anonymous you are one of my most loyal readers. Please leave a name folks even more so when you say nice things. I would like to know who I am talking too.

  3. Jacked to hear Raps may get Jack!

    As much as I like watching young players develop, the Raptors with Jack as the back-up PG are a much better team! Jack has the experience to get the Raps through the short term injuries to JC, especially with Hedo at point forward. And Jack should be expecting to play as JC's back-up, the Ford/JC controversy shouldn't happen. Add Delfino and the Raps will compete for a playoff spot as high as 4th.

    Wouldn't be shocking to see this turn into a sign & trade. Pacers are short of depth - surprisingly, the Raps are accumulating it.


  4. very good read :)
    anyways, dont you think the whole pointguard situation will get crowded, i dont htink having 5 pg's is a good idea, i do however like jack..i think BC might waive douby

  5. I know Douby has been playing point in summer league But I don't consider him a point and I don't thing Raps do ether just a numbers game in Summer League. I think Banks gets bought out eventually and we end up with 3.

  6. Raptors Republic has translated an interview with Delfino saying he is coming off a shoulder injury that still has 1-6 months recovery time. BCo has renounced his qualifying offer so Carlos can look at other offers.

    Makes the Jack signing all the more clear (and important)

    No way the PG situation is crowded with Jack. Jack will be the back-up. Banks is just a sunk cost.


  7. Dino-Man,

    I have the same opinion about acquiring Jack. He always found a way to torch the Raptors whenever he got on the floor and always broke a slump on us too.

    Do you think Memphis can retain their RETARD streak and trade Marcus Banks for a 1st round pick for 2011?

    HollyMac looks like a cutie too...agree?

    tonious35, Edmonton

  8. No to Memphis.

    Holly I met at the start of last season. I consider her a friend and think that she is highly talented and very smart. To just say she is cute is really not giving her credit for all those other things she is as well.

    But you are not the first to notice and likely not the last to notice her looks. But she is far more than that.
