

Same Old Problem

In the light of day the kind of dark cloud I had over my head last night has remained this morning. The fact I am learning Ariza now of the Houston Rockets to be confirmed July 8th, left 9 Million Dollars on the table. Heck put 1 million on the table watch how fast I would jump at it even to blog about Memphis or the Clippers. It is frustrating to feel like some kind of second class citizen in the NBA. I just hate it with a passion. When I use to pay attention to hockey, I was a Buffalo Sabres fan so I understand this feeling all to well. On the other hand have been a life long Cowboys fan and know that just because you have money and a franchise that has a rich history does not guarantee you a title.

People outside of Canada do not always get why Raptor fans get so bent out of shape. The things like this latest episode with Ariza is why. People always say they love the City of Toronto in the NBA. Is it a case of it is a nice place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there/play there? I try my best to refuse to believe that but how many times to you need get smacked down before you start to believe it. John Salmons who is far from an All-Star snubbed the Raptors for the Sacramento Kings. Now this with Ariza. It is just two examples of a long list of people that have passed on Toronto. Kenny Anderson refused to come here for an old school example.

Toronto has first class fans and they deserve a first class team. If Bryan Colangelo can not get guys to come here, really can anyone ever do it? Colangelo is a well respect G.M and has won an award for being the best at what he does twice. Forget about if Chris Bosh leaves. What about if B.C leaves. I know if I was him I would be frustrated by all of this. I mean he has tried to make it work. But if he ultimately loses Chris Bosh could it be long before he himself is lost as well. Not saying he gets fired saying he may want to walk himself.

I have a really bad feeling about the season ahead. I do have one little bit of hope. More a selfish one. That is for Brent Petway, I had him as a guest in the Spring and being an Ex-Wolverine that was a big thrill. I am hoping he has a excellent summer league and some how can crack this Raptor Roster. While all these free agent misses are not good news for me. In terms of Brent it is good news as he could be a very inexpensive option for the Raptors to play at the wing. Brent has spent the last couple seasons with the Idaho Stampede and is still trying to find a way to break into the NBA. Demar Derozan vs Brent Petway will make for entertaining dunk contests in Raptor practices for sure.

Summer League Roster From

So there is always a bright side for somebody. However, in the big picture for the Raptors I am very depressed and very concerned and with good reason to be so in the future for Raptors.


  1. As far as season goes...can it really be much worse than the last one? I hope Marion re-signs, we add Kleiza, DeRozan is here. We need solid backup point guard to be fairly competitive team. I like Turkoglu but the price seem to be too steep for us now.

  2. I totally hear what you're saying about Toronto being a second class city, and I feel the same way sometimes. But Ariza ... why sweat it? One solid block by Reggie Evans or Bargs this season on his overrated self this season and all will be forgotten. BC is taking on the hard task of changing the culture of our franchise and how we are viewed in the American media and the American basketball mind ... and that's not going to do a 180 in 1-3 seasons. So far I think he's done a tremendous job. With many media outlets taking about the dire situation up North it's important to also look at all the comments at the beginning of the seasons that show the Raptors to be favourites to finish mid-high in the East. Once we get there again the American media and perseption in general will follow.It's happened a few times with this franchise already in it's short life. Last year was disgustingly injury plauged. With a healthy roster we can do some damage. I truly believe that. After Cle, Orl, and Bos what does the East really have to offer in terms of domination? Chi? Mia? Atl? We'll get there and the love will follow. Keep the faith in these oh so dark times. Hahahaha!

  3. Chris Bosh does not = successful team
    I would argue that Raptors minus Bosh= greater chance for success.
    Chris wants to be "the franchise", but it is proven every year that a TEAM wins games, not a single player.
    Last year we watched Chris have the ball stick in his hands time and time again watching the shot clock tick down, his teammates wide open waiting for a pass. Our collective excitement thwarted by an inevitable off balance jumpshot or ill advised fade away. Chris either needs to play TEAM ball, or find a new team.
    Toronto loves Bosh, he's a great player and great role model/community leader. What the fans really want is a championship push, so it's time BC and all the bloggers start focusing on the collective unit and not retaining a "franchise guy" who won't even publically admit he has any interest in staying here.

  4. Whoa ... bad spelling and grammar on my part, hopefully the point rings true.

  5. Oh, it's so sad to be the last choice for every big-name Free Agent to go. Like a poor sister of USA. And putting hockey ahead of basketball allover again doesn't help. Last season's TSN2 fiasco didn't help either. But what can we do? Wait and hope.

  6. Um...this post makes no sense now that Hedo signed. How do you think Portland feels...HEDO CHOSE THE RAPTORS BECAUSE OF TORONTO!

  7. Post makes total sense I was talking in terms of NORTH AMERICAN PLAYERS ...HEDO IS FROM TURKEY!!!
