

Colangelo Attempts To Afford Extra Toppings

Toronto and Dallas look to cook up a last second deal for a sign and trade for Shawn Marion. This could free up the MLE for the Raptors (As pointed out in comments it may need Orlando involved) which would go a long way in helping address a glaring lack of depth. If B.C could pull this off it would go a long way in building up support as well. Many Raptor fans want to love this trade for Hedo but for those who see the big picture it is hard to do. If Colangelo can free up that ability to add some more talent to this roster it would be huge. As it stands now, the Raptors would be going through leftovers to try to find diamonds in the rough. Having the Mid Level Exception back on the table would lower the risk in that.

Still no announcement on when we will have the official announcement of Hedo signing. Wednesday or Thursday will likely be the day. I will set up a live blog to cover the Press Conference as it happens. It may be a last minute thing so check for updates here on the site or on my Twitter Feed @dinonationblog .

Just for fun my 5 favourite places to get a Pizza from:

5. Pizza Pizza
4. Dominos
3. Make My Own At Home
2. Pizza Hut
1 The Attic (Stoney Creek,Ontario Restaurant)

Favourite Toppings?

5 Italian Sausage
4. Salami
3. Pepperoni
2. Extra/Double Cheese

I figure given the events of today not to many people will be focused on basketball so thought I would keep things light and fun. If any news breaks in terms of a sign and trade or anything of note for the Raptors check back in here at DNB. Also remember as I mentioned going to do a live blog on Cover It Live for the Hedo Presser so look for that and we can also make it a fun chance to chat Raptors.

Just a funny personal note to close. Believe it or not I never had Pizza until I was 13 years old. When I was a kid I would take Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich to Pizza Parties. As a kid I never liked things mixed together I would even separate mixed vegetables . We all have strange little things like that from our childhood don't we? Anyway there is another useless Dino Blogger fact to add to the list.


  1. If Toronto does this trade with Dallas is does NOT free up our MLE, the only way we get our MLE back is by doing a Sign and Trade with ORL. Or if Orl becomes the 3rd party in this deal with Dallas.

  2. Yeah that is what I had heard that Orlando has to be involved in it in some way. That is why I wrote COULD because I am not 100% sure how this all needs to play out for that. Stay tuned I guess.

  3. Im from Stoney Creek...I can't believe you mentioned the Attic. Stoney Creeks doning big tings!

  4. So it is still there? I use to live for a couple years in Stoney Creek. It truly is the best Pizza I have ever had. Glad to give Stoney Creek and the Attic some love. If they want to kick a free pizza my way or a coupon for DNB readers both are welcomed.

  5. I've never ordered double cheese on my pizzas because I cannot justify it counting as two toppings. Just how much more cheese do you get compared to extra cheese?

    While we're at it, here are my top 5 places for pizza:

    1. Pizza Nova
    2. Boston Pizza
    3. Pizza Hut
    4. Dominos
    5. Pizzaville

  6. I sure hope we don't have to look for diamonds in the rough again. We did that last year with Will Solomon and Hassan Adams and it didn't work out. If the S&T doesn't go through I would look at some of these guys. Gerald Green, Desmond Mason, Trenton Hassell, etc.

  7. Early Wed we should know if the S&T with Dallas will happen. But there is a deal here, even without a 3rd party (better if Magic participate but??).

    BC can trade Marion & Banks (Together yet again for the 3rd time) For Stack and Wright or Williams. Math seems to work. Raps gain about $2m in cap space after cutting Stack. Wright's numbers look alot like Joey's but to get out of Bank's deal, this would be worth it.

    Seems like there's a lot of options to make this happen in the Raps favour.

    Bored waiting (NBA please change this dumb process)


  8. Note on last post,

    Dallas blog (an hour ago) is already suggesting that S&T with Marion + Banks is the deal being proposed with Williams suggested as the additional player to make this work. Also, noted press conference at ACC tommorow?

    This would be a great move for the Raps. More cap space plus a possible backup SG/SF.

