

All Hands On Deck In Minny? Not Quite

I just heard on the Fan 590 that Chris Bosh will be in the line-up tonight vs Minnesota. This game is not being broadcast here, but for those of you that learned last season thanks to TSN 2 there are ways to find the game. Check my Twitter account @dinonationblog as I posted a link that should (Cross your Fingers) get you a link to the game on the web. It has been difficult to evaluate this team without it's two biggest parts being on the sidelines. Hedo Turkoglu did not travel with the team but did practice with the squad before they took off for Minny. Perhaps we see Hedo in the game vs the Wizards on Sunday? It has been a mystery as to when we will see Hedo but let's hope it is sooner rather than later.

The T-Wolves have a new coach and lots of young players and are looking to turn the page from the McCale years and move forward. Should be interesting to see what the T-Wolves look like. Chris Bosh even if he is going to play it would likely not be to much you would have to figure. Jonny Flynn will be playing for the T-Wolves no doubt. He was considered by the Raptors in the draft but never made it to the Raps. The Raptors would have had an interesting choice if both Flynn and DeRozan were on the board. But it never happened so why worry about and it seems the Raptors are very happy with Demar. Kurt Rambis is the new guy running the show in Minnesota. The former Laker returns to the Lakers former home. However that was a long time ago when the Lakers called Minny home. This game is the pre-season home opener for the Timerwolves who have a win over the Bucks under their belt. The defeated the Bucks 117-103. Kevin Love had 17 points and I am not sure if he tweeted about it. He was one of 6 T-Wolves in double figures.

In case you missed it...DNB Radio was back last night. It was a last minute choice to bring the show back. There have been some schedule conflicts that had not allowed me to do the show last last few weeks. As a special treat and some motivation to listen to it I included the raw audio of my interviews with Demar Derozan and Reggie Evans, as well as a couple questions I had for Jay Triano. That along with some thoughts on the Raps from me on their first couple pre-season games. Check in out over on the right under DNB Radio.

I will be doing my weekly Radio appearance on Off The Bench on late night radio on CJLO in Montreal. I am usually on at 12:15am so you can listen to it on the internet on their website. So you can hear my thoughts on the Raps and T-Wolves if I can track down a way to see the game via the internet with Chris Bosh making his pre-season debut it is worth the effort trying to find it.

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