

Raptors Rewind- Game Notes Edition

I was working for The Score tonight doing Boston and the Bulls. So I am checking out the game in an hour of Raps and Grizz. So that means staying up till 2:30am and also makes it hard to write a regular recap with little to no breaks in action. So I came up with the whole game note version last year. Hopefully it at least gives you some idea of my thoughts on the game. I do my best not to know the result but in today's world that becomes pretty impossible. In talking with Paul Jones prior to this one we mentioned the whole concept of "Trap" game. Seems that is what happened tonight in Memphis. Raptor fans may not even be able to take the frustration out by booing V.C because in case you missed it Vince went down with an injured ankle and did not return in a win over New Jersey. In 15 years now of Raptors ball there has just been things that don't make sense. Raps traditionally have had some unexpected wins and some equally puzzling loses. The one that stuck out last year was a loss in Oklahoma City in December. It was the lowest point of the Raptors season that had many to choose from. Hard to imagine the second game of the season being a low point. But this sure will not be a high point.

1st Quarter
  • Bosh missed on a dunk makes up for it on D with a steal
  • Bosh gets the putback bad transition D Grizz score
  • Hedo makes a jumper answered by Randolph
  • Jose makes a nice jumper.
  • Bosh missed a jumper as he was being doubled
  • drive does not fall for Bosh and Raps D not looking good early (8-8)
  • Raps shooting is bad as Calderon misses
  • Gay with a nice turn around ( Grizz lead 12-9)
  • Raps can buy a bucket and D is awful (Grizz 16-9)
  • Calderon scores out of time out.
  • Bosh great move in post to score trail by 5
  • Mayo hits and lead is 7 Raps score and Mayo makes it back to back scores
  • Rasho to Bosh nice pay.
  • Score on break with Jack in the game (Grizz 23-20)
  • Raps get a bucket and the lead just 1
After One Grizzlies lead 23-22

1st QTR thoughts- Not the same energy on D. Bosh looks good Calderon too but no one else really stepping up. Where is Andrea as he has been the invisible man in the first quarter.

2nd Quarter
  • Gay scores to open 2nd, Jack to Bosh and the score like the chemistry
  • Marco off target as a lot of Raps are on this night.
  • Bosh is a one man show with 19 and Raps up 6
  • Jack out of control on drive and steps out.
  • Gay scores and draws a foul.
  • Williams ties it up for Memphis.
  • Rotations and reactions on defense seem slow and a step behind.
  • Hedo a 3 from the corner and Raps jump on top by 1
  • Bargnani fumbles pass and Memphis cut through a see of Raps in the paint like butter
  • B.C in stands does not look happy and he has reason not to be.
  • Bosh has 23 and is bringing it, needs more to join the party.
  • Bosh is a beast on the Offensive end, Randolph getting it done on O but not D
  • Bargnani on bench with 3 fouls and he has done little.
  • Jay Triano does not look amused on the bench.
  • Grizz showing more effort and hustle and score couple easy ones off turnovers (6 in QTR for Raps)
  • DeRozan drives and has it knocked out of bounds.
At Half Grizzlies 53 Raptors 49

2nd Qtr Thoughts- Bosh looks good on offense. No hustle on D beyond the big block by DeRozan at end of half

3rd Quarter
  • Turnovers, Turnovers Turnovers (11 of them )
  • Grizz just look hungry and Raps struggling to match that
  • Calderon drives and draws foul
  • Corner 3 wide open look for Grizz
  • DD flies in for 2.
  • Steal and leads to break and a foul called on Calderon
  • Bosh count it and a foul.
  • Bargnani good for 3 and game is tied.
  • Another 3 and Bargnani is 4 for 4 in the QTR
  • DD gets blocked by Mayo
  • DD gets up and throws down on the putback.
  • Randolph is killing it.
  • Bosh with answer (30 point in 3rd)
  • Rasho missed a chippy
  • Rasho gets the putback
After 3 Raptors 79 Memphis 76

3rd QTR- A little improvement but not much. DD came alive that Quarter that block at end of half seems to have got him going, Grizz still giving the effort.

4th Quarter
  • Rasho scores again on the inside.
  • Gay on putback and he let's you know about it
  • Jack hits jumper.
  • Rasho checks out with 8 and 6...Bosh returns.
  • Bosh denied by Randolph and score in Transition Memphis
  • Calderon a miss offensive board leads to a Bosh score.
  • Bosh Draws foul (91-91)
  • Turnover and Memphis push it and draw foul on Bargnani.
  • Gasol scores and Bosh called for the foul. (Grizz lead 98-94
  • Randolph running and scores as trailer on the break
  • Gasol has been a beast on the glass.
  • Mayo big 3 extends lead to 5.
  • Raps offense gone cold at bad time
  • Turnover and easy score
  • Jose make a big shot cuts lead to 6.
  • Hedos shot rolls out
  • Bosh scores make it 37 but in an L
Final Score- Grizzlies 115 Raps 107

Raptors did not have the complete team effort the needed. Beyond Bosh everyone else played in spurts. This was just not good enough and Bosh deserved more from his team tonight. If Raps want to be a contender or even a playoff team these are losses you can't have.


  1. Well, your forgiven I guess for missing last night's game James. ;)

    But if there was a game to miss this season, I bet it'll be last night's. Ugh! I mean, not trying to take anything away from the Memphis' defense, but come'on ... Memphis? Really?

    Bosh was fantastic on offense, but had a troubles locking down Z-Bo last night. He didn't get much help though, so I can overlook that. Bargnani back doing what he does best being inconsistent; Jose had no flow on offense at all and Hedo looked like he quit playing during the 2nd half. So, hard to win a game when some key pieces are working against you.

    Hopefully this will be a wake up call for Toronto and we'll see an entirely different team tomorrow against the Magic.

  2. Well I never miss a game just sometimes am forced to watch a replay at ungodly hours. It will e great when my schedules run together and I can do some Raps games for The Score.

  3. Hopefully covering Raptors games for the Score will happen sooner rather than later. ;)

    Cheers James and Happy Halloween.

  4. Bosh was the only player that showed up for work. However, when his teammates are lazy like they were last night, it's time to be harsh on them, kinda like KG did with Big Baby Davis last year.

  5. Not sure if I like K.G as any kind of example for Bosh. This was the same K.G that basically suggested that Bosh get the heck out of Toronto and himself bailed on Minnesota to win a title in Boston.
