

DNB's Triple Double #2

It is time again to play the DNB's Triple Double. If you are new to the game it is pretty simple really 3 topics and 10 points in each. We try to make 1 Raptor related, 1 NBA Related and the other just something on my mind. So ready? Let's go.

10 things I would do, if I owned the Raptors

  • 10. Never have a game on TSN 2.
  • 9. Hire Jeff Van Gundy and offer Jay a position in organization
  • 8. Improve Raptors T.V with more created content.
  • 7.Reduce the number of euro players (Only based on amount they play internationally)
  • 6. Spend a day with Mark Cuban and talk shop.
  • 5.Spend cash to market team more nationally
  • 4.Get the All-Star Game for Toronto
  • 3. Make it a goal to find a Canadian Player to be a Raptor
  • 2. Allow fans a way to interact with me on a regular basis
  • 1. Convince Bosh to remain a Raptor and spend what it takes to win.

Yeah I know that is not realistic some of that. Apparently I am also a billionaire because I am spending a lot of money. Still there are some good ideas in there. Feel free to share your own in the comments.

My Top 10 players in the NBA today.

  • 10. Rajon Rondo
  • 9. Chris Bosh
  • 8. Dirk Nowitski
  • 7.Deron Williams
  • 6.Chris Paul
  • 5. Dwyane Wade
  • 4. Dwight Howard
  • 3. Kevin Durant
  • 2. Kobe Bryant
  • 1. Lebron James

It is hard to agree on a list like this. I am sure many will roast me for putting Rondo ahead of the entire Big 3. But these lists are subjective and if you have a better 10 go for it.

My 10 favourite Coaches of all time in any sport.

  • 10. Sam Mitchell
  • 9. Jimmy Johnson
  • 8. Bo Schembechler
  • 7. Sparky Anderson
  • 6. Stan Van Gundy
  • 5.Jeff Van Gundy
  • 4.Phil Jackson
  • 3. Red Auerbach
  • 2. Tom Landry
  • 1. John Wooden

When I started this one it got me thinking how many people were getting left off the list. However, being favourites this is not a list of the greatest coaches (Clearly some are thought) just ones that I liked. Feel free to have a crack at your own.

So that is it, other than in case you missed it Demar DeRozan wrote a blog on his first year in the pros with the Raptors. It worth the click on the link.


  1. "1. Convince Bosh to remain a Raptor and spend what it takes to win. "

    Are u kidding me?

  2. No not at all. Raptors will not get a better player back in a sign and trade and he made a valid point that this team has not spent to beyond the Tax Threshold to win.

    All this Twitter nonsense aside Bosh made some valid points and is a top 10-15 player in the league.

  3. Ummmm....apparently you still think that by catering to CB4 we will somehow become a better "team"....after 7 yrs of the same-old, i think it's time to try something new.

  4. Just thought I'd say I completely agree with Rondo ahead of the entire big 3, since you thought you'd get the opposite response. Not to say the big 3 aren't still very good players, but they're declining and Rondo is getting better every game. I think at this point he means more to that team than anyone, and they wouldn't be where they are without him.

  5. It was the lack of a "team" around him that is why he is leaving or will leave. Raptors did not do anything out of the norm for Bosh that any other NBA team does for it's star player. In fact in my view they might not have done enough.

  6. Why the "woest me" attitude about Bosh. It's not like he was surrounded with total losers or talentless players. The problem is he is a selfish player, who does not play well in a team structure. Hence the ball sticking, low assist #'s, etc. Watch Garnett, Boozer, Gasol, and other playoff PF's- their awareness of their teammates and assist #'s are much higher. CB never tried to elevate the 'team'.

  7. Wow you forgot to put CARMELO ANTHONY at #6 which would drop out Rondo. Carmelo is a top ten player for sure.1592

  8. Maybe I was dissing Mello....actually know your right He would have/ should have made the list and I agree where you slotted him at 8. Given how Rondo has been playing of late not sure he should drop off this list that would mean Bosh would be the man out.
