

The Starting 5's #1 Draft Choice Jack Armstrong

We at the Dino Nation Blog are very fortunate to have many great regular guests. If we had to draft our guests, this would be our number 1 pick, out of Fordham University, the former coach of the Purple Eagles.... Jack Armstrong. He also of course has been a fixture with the Raptors for over a decade. At this time of year Jack is always a great guest to have for his knowledge of the NCAA game. He was once the youngest head coach in division 1 college basketball. He still even with his Raptors schedule works on broadcasts covering the NCAA during the college season. We talk about a number of the prospects in the draft that the Raptors could consider. Before we get into that we talk about Ron Artest and his winning a championship last night with the Lakers. Jack actually coached against Artest in his college days with St John's. We also get into a discussion on just what the Raptors future could be in a post Bosh world. It as always is a very insightful and interesting conversation. It has been a pleasure and an honour for me to talk with Jack for these past few years. I greatly respect his honesty and straight forward no nonsense attitude. There is only one Jack Armstrong, he is a true original. Hope you enjoy our latest conversation as much as I did having it.

Some interesting thoughts from Jack as always. Like I said at the end of the interview, it promises to be an interesting summer, and as things go alone we will have Jack back for his take on things as they develop. A lot is being made of a couple interviews Chris Bosh did in L.A and N.Y in where in both he suggested that things could change after the draft. What that means is up for debate. But there have been rumours that Bryan Colangelo has a Hedo deal in place for draft night. There is also the old rumour that Bosh would be moved to the Lakers for Andrew Bynum. Andrew is heading for surgery regardless of where he plays next year. How has the Lakers winning another championship impact on their desire to acquire Bosh? It is an interesting question. They did take on Artest instead of Ariza after winning a title. Guess the point is that many rumours are out there, and who knows what is fact or fiction. But as the NBA Draft approaches next Thursday Raptors fans are left to ponder the future and that likely begins at the draft.

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