

The Raptor Waiting Game Continues

Houston Rockets already have final 3 candidates for their vacant coaching position. While the Raptors still have said nothing about their G.M and coach at this point. If everything remains the same it really won't matter much. But should the Raptors make a change at G.M the chances a coaching change is made increases as well. So what exactly is the hold up with things. Raptors season has been done for almost a month now. It is not like Bryan Colangelo is going to change his future whatever it might be in the next few months. Unless he has a plan to rig the NBA Draft Lottery I am not sure what exactly he could do technically to improve his status. While technically teams once eliminated from the playoffs can trade with other non playoff teams. It is a rare event that trades are made at this time of year. Colangelo did swap for Reggie Evans a couple years back. But with the lack of a CBA in place the chances of that happening this season is slim.

MLSE as an organization has always went on about having people of high character in the organization. Well is it not of high character to allow people to know if they have a job or not? Is that not the right thing to do? Not to mention do you not owe it to your loyal fans to let them know about the future of the franchise? This makes the organization look bad and does them no favours in terms of future hiring in management. Not to mention if there are indeed going to make changes they are falling clearly behind other teams looking to make changes. Unless they are looking and just not telling anyone.

But however you cut it people have become use to it as reflects in our Dino Nation Blog poll over there on the right. MLSE knows how to make money no one will question that. But in terms of how they run all their sports franchises people can look at their track record and judge for themselves. They say things start at the top and that top is the MLSE Board and they have been a complete failure to fans of Raptors, Leafs and Toronto FC. They are the one constant as all of these teams have continued to fail. While the profitability is without question. The production and quality of the products is. It is a good thing profits are not measured by wins because if it was MLSE would have been filing for bankruptcy long ago.

1 comment:

  1. James,
    Your POV is very accurate but there is one thing that you have forgotten, MLSE does NOT care about its fans! It cares about the bottom line. The Teams are but a play thing and is treated as such. Bryan Colangelo sadly doesn't deserve this treatment. He's being treated like the fans and THAT my friend is quite telling. Great stuff JB.
