

Boston Beatdown 2: Bigger, Badder, Worse

I really don't know what you say after last night. Which is not good when you write a blog and are suppose to say something. You can not use the old expression if you don't have anything nice to say don't say anything at all or this would be a pretty blanks entry. That being said when you looked at this situation heading into the game you could almost have seen this coming. Boston the last time these two teams hooked up were struggling and since they have been streaking in the other direction. Which is surprising as they have done it without Rajon Rondo. He of course was injured by Linas Kleiza on a hard foul the last time. Kleiza sat this one out for some alleged nagging injures and needed rest on the back to back. It might have been for his own personal safety. But the point is the Celtics sure seemed motivated to take it to the Raptors.

The first quarter woes of the Raptors were back in a big way. This game was over almost from the beginning. After building a 29-16 lead the Celtics just kept it rolling from there winning every quarter on the night. The Raptors offence was awful. Dwane Casey went back to a tradition bigger line-up and it didn't help. The staring 5 had a grand total of 34 points. It was ugly with a capital U. When the Raptor offence is going through Aaron Gray something isn't working right. It was not one Celtic that was doing all the damage it was all of them. Paul Pierce was the game's high scorer with only 17. But Boston had 5 players in double figures and the Raptors just 2.

When the final score is 100-64 really that says more than any amount of words I could type. The Raptors lick their wounds and get ready to play the Wizards. Which after a beating like this most teams would welcome that. But let's not forget the Wizards who have very few wins got one of them beating the Raptors in Washington. If they were to lose a second one to the Wizards would make people quickly forget (if they haven't already) the plucky 3-2 road trip put in by the Raptors.

If you saw the faces in the locker room after this one, it was a lot of dejected faces and perhaps tired ones as well. The Raptors have had a tough first month of the season or so of the season. They are just not the same team without Andrea Bargnani and that fact gets exposed more by the better/more experienced teams in this league.

Forget this one and move on if that is possible. It was just brutal.

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