

Jack Presser Live Blog

The Dino Nation Blog is JACKED to announce this latest LIVE BLOG EVENT. So if you are on facebook, Twitter or where ever you may be tell a friend and let's make this the BIGGEST DNB LIVEBLOG ever. After all Jarrett Jack is a Raptor. You know Chris Bosh is happy about that. So let's share in the joy together. Come back here at 2:15pm and be part of this latest live blog. If the press conference is not online or on Raps T.V we will still have a kick butt Raptors Chat for you to enjoy. It is Tuesday Afternoon did you really have anything else to do?

So see you at 2:15 pm looking forward to having fun with all you folks that support the Dino Nation Blog.

1 comment:

  1. Real nice to see Bosh walking in on the Jack interview at the end of the press conference. Got a better idea of why they have maintained a relationship post college.

