

Reunited and It Feels So Good?

Word coming from Larry Bird the president of the Pacers that indeed the Indiana Pacers will not match the offer sheet of the Raptors for Jarrett Jack. So let the Georgia Tech reunion happen. Chris Bosh was the A.C.C Freshman of the year playing along side Jarrett Jack at the rambling wreck of Georgia Tech. I always liked the Yellow Jackets if for no other reason there cool logo and mascot. Michigan will always be on the top of my list for favourite college though. But now Bosh and Jack have reunited officially here in Toronto. I always thought it was a marriage that made sense. I even thought in Jack's draft year the Raps should have jumped in and got a late first round pick to select him. But that never happened. However better late than never. Timing is everything and many will question the true motives of this move. But as much as it is an added bonus that Jack and Bosh are friends this move still makes sense. Roko Ukic may never be what people had hoped and made it clear in summer league he is no where close to being a legit back up point guard in the NBA. People myself included felt it was necessary for the Raps to address the back-up point guard position. After many( Myself not included) said that it did not matter if the Raps had a legit back up point guard last year. That turned out as I said it could to be a huge mistake. There was no way the Raptors could afford to enter another season in that situation again. O.K..Time out!!! for a You Tube Intermission.

That was Buzz the Georgia Tech Mascot. Jack is expected to be in town tomorrow to make this all official "Official". I will be doing a live blog of the press event if it is indeed covered on Raptors T.V. If not it will end up being another Raptor Chat. But just to prepare you all should try to get this next little number from You Tube down if you would like to welcome Jack to T.O in a good way.

It is no Hail To the Victors..that is the Michigan Fight Song if you did not know. I will dig that up when we have Brent Petway back in the blog. But for one day I think T.O will all have a lot of Yellow Jacket Love.

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